About me

Currently, I am a 5th engineer student at ESIEA Paris but also an ADAS development engineer in apprenticeship at UTAC Montlhéry-Linas.

During my apprenticeship, I am learning more about programming with Python(data frame, numpy,threads...),Matlab and project management. But also I am expanding my knowledge on the car's active safety systems, EURONCAP protocols and regulations.

And in my free time, i do some cool side projects to improve my skills and learn something new.

What i'm doing

  • design icon

    ADAS systems

    Understanding the systems that helps the driver to prevent accidents.

  • Web development icon

    Engineer degree

    Following the engineer cycle for aquiring new skills.

  • mobile app icon

    Side projects

    I like coding in my free time.

  • camera icon


    Going to the gym for getting the body that I want


  • Nolann DEVIGNES

    Nolann DEVIGNES

    I worked with youssef on an IT project involving Python, databases and web development. He has demonstrated great skills mastery and excellent team spirit.

  • Clement Hausknecht

    Clement HAUSKNECHT

    I was with Youssef in class and he is a very interesting and cultivated person. He always try to do his best and he participated a lot in the school projects.




  1. Engineer school ESIEA (Paris, France)

    2022 — 2025

    Currently, I am in the 5th year of my engineer degree specialized in software engineering.

  2. Institute of technology (Orléans, France)

    2020 — 2022

    In Orléans, I got my two year degree in computer science. I learned the basis of programming and I really enjoyed it.

  3. High school Alain Fournier (Bourges, France)

    2017 — 2020

    I got my scientific high school degree with computer science specialization.


  1. ADAS Engineer in appreniceship (Monthéry, France)

    2022 — Present

    During this appreniceship, I am learning more about programming with Python(data frame, numpy,threads...),Matlab and project management. But also I am expanding my knowledge on the car's active safety systems, EURONCAP protocols and regulations.

  2. Developper in appreniceship (Blois, France)

    2021 — 2022

    I worked on the development of CaleoDom, that's a domotic product that helps to lower the energy consumption of a house or a building, by using the heat pumps and other equipment.

  3. Forklift driver


    During 2020, I worked all the weekend as a forklift driver in Leroy Merlin in Saint Doulchard, France.

My skills

  • Languages
    • Italian (bilingual)
    • French (bilingual)
    • English (Fluent)
    • Arabic (bilingual)
  • Web Development
    • Database (SQL, NoSQL, Neo4j)
    • JS/React/Vue
    • Flask
  • Network
    • Switch/Routers
    • Routing table
    • DHCP/FTP/Cisco/IP
    • SSH/Telnet
  • Programming
    • Python
    • Matlab
    • Java
    • C/C++



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